Sunday, November 05, 2006

back to talking about my first love...

So as you can see i haven't been blogging as much as i should (due to the amount of work i've had, as a matter of fact i have a midterm tomorrow, but i need a break) but now its November. This is the starting season of christmas shopping and also the Nintendo Wii AND the PS3. Everyone is waiting for these consoles, even Cartman (watch the latest South Park).

So there has been a lot of talk about who is gonna come out on top in this next generation of consoles. So i have to give my opinion on this. And i'll break this up into each console.

Xbox 360 -

I'll start with the one that is already there. Many people really expected that Microsoft could not survive in this market already dominated by Sony and Nintedo, but with a huge bank behind them, they pretty much proved everyone wrong. Say what you want, but the Xbox 360 is a great system, even if it is just a PC. Microsoft truly understands what it needs to do to stay in the gaming market, good games! One word, Halo. While you may not like the game, 10 million others do, and thats why it is at top. Not only that but the GTA series on there and many other top notch games.

But what i really feel helped Xbox bypass nintendo in the current generation is its understanding on the potential of online play and the way they utilized it. Xbox live is by far an amazing system. They pretty much understood that game developers don't want to spend time getting the servers up, or programming more stuff for the online portion. And with the new Xbox live arcade (where you play all these old games) and Achievements Microsoft has enticed more people to get the system. Everytime i see the system, i almost feel like buying one.


Since the first Playstation, Sony has been a big leader in gaming industry. There are enough exclusive titles to make a majority of players fall under Sony. GT series, God of War, Guitar Hero, MGS....list goes on. Sony has pushed the technological aspects of the industry demanding only the best graphics, gameplay and all aspects of gaming.

With the playstation 3, they have by far the most amazing console right now (graphically). But will it deliver?? i don't know. Many people believe that Sony will fall. I have a hard time believing that but this is by far one of their biggest risks. The problem is Sony has not realized that most gamers have budgets. $600 system is not cheap. I love the playstation, but i'm pretty sure i'm not going to buy one when it comes out but probably later when it is cheaper. ANd the six axis controller? I am one of those people skeptical about that cause it felt it was done to respond to nintendo's wii. (before any of you guys say i'm no nintendo fan i'm just saying what i think). I wish Sony all the good luck, because i hope they can get through this with flying colors.


Nintendo has been in games for a long time. Every game they make, they deliver. It doesn't have to be graphically great, its just a blast to play. People who play Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros know.

Nintendo wii is a system which makes sense. While many hardcore gamers want the best graphics, most casual gamers just want games that are fun and Nintedo is responding to that. The graphics aren't all that great which is a smart move (making the price of the system lower). Instead they focused on an aspect that needed to be changed for a long time. The Controller. Now FPS can finally feel like FPS (Red Steel and Metroid). I think one thing they are lacking is online system (i haven't heard of anything but if there is, do tell me). If that was there, it would have been an incredible system, but the controller and zelda is enough for many people to buy the wii (plus the price...$250!). But will people really enjoy this new way of gaming. Well i guess we have to wait till November 19th.

What is weird is that there is no real clear cut winner. My opinion is that Nintendo will finally regain its throne as the best after a long 10-15 years. But all of them look like they are gonna be a success. So i guess we just have to sit down and figure out the bigger question...

Which one do i buy?