Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Linux is too damn cool

Right now, i'm on Ubuntu. I have finally realized that linux is so much cooler. Now, you probably wonder, whats so great about linux, its hard to use. Let me go through all the reason it is good.

1) Free - FREE, absolutely free. You don't have to pay like $400 bucks for it, instead its absolutely free to use. Its SOOO free that you can go to the ubuntu website and order as many CDs as you want and shipping is FREE. (If you are wondering how they do this, it is cause when they first came out a prince gave them like 2 million dollars because he believed these things should definiteley be free.) Now there is stuff like Red Hat which you pay a bit, but there are many other distributions and many that are free.

2) Customization - Linux is all about customizing. If you don't like something about your computer experience well then do something about it. Right now, i have this Mac style interface but 10X better. I have a dock, which also is fun to play with because you can throw the icons around and it will come back to the dock. And i'm using a mod called Beryl, which does things like expose (in mac, where you can see all your windows) and there are some cool effects. One thing is when ever i open and close my windows in spins to the corner and fades, it looks awesome. I have also changed my icons so they look cooler.

3) Incredible support - There a thousands of people that all are linux pros. They are very helpful people and there is such a large group of people that are helpful.

3) puzzle - Ok for many people this is not a good point for linux, as a matter of fact, it is a bad point of linux. Linux is not for the person expecting something that can work right of the bat (although that hardly happens in windows too). Linux is difficult to install, many softwares we use today are not supported for linux and to get things working takes some time. But i look at it as a puzzle and a challenge. And hey it helps you learn linux, and there are many linux administrator that get the big bucks. Nothing is more satisfying when you finally able to get a video to work after 2 hours.

I guess the last one sums up all the bad things, but i find it too be a good thing, so hey, its great. But yea, i still have windows cause i need to use some stuff on it (and play games of course). But i really feel after coming to berkeley, i've become more nerdy, thanks to my fellow EECS people. But its all good, i still listen to gangster music.

On another note, here is a new song from Jay-Z from his new album. The lyrics are meh, but the Beats are OF the HOOK. Major props to just blaze.

1 comment:

Niels Joubert said...

Woohoo linux! Im a bit scared to switch to Beryl... like, i'll be playing with visualization all the time instead of working on something cool... but i'll be so much more of a happy person! Is it very resource-intensive?